September 10, 2024

What are the most affordable online public health programs?


Public health has several programs that you can pursue. However, you should be well versed in what course is suitable for the field you would like to work in. In addition, you are supposed to note that the price of these courses varies. So, before you pick a course online, here is a guide to help you know the most affordable public health online programs.

American Public University

American public university is located in Charles Town, West Virginia. The university advertises its online degree cost from $8,038 for undergraduates and $7,125 for graduates. The money includes tuition, fees, and books. Conversely, it depends on the number of credit hours required and can cost as much as $15,000. The school charges students $250 per credit hour and graduate students $325. The online MPH program is under the University’s School of Health Sciences.

University of North Carolina

The North Carolina academic office is located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. An online MPH in this university is over $15,000. It is known as a public Ivy as it offers education similar to Ivy League University. The major is offered by the faculty of Health Sciences and takes around 28 months to complete.

The University of West Florida

The university is based in Pensacola and leads the list. It is recognized as the top university offering the most affordable MPH programs in the USA. The most affordable program is around $15,000 for instate and $66,314 for out-of-state students. The online masters degree in public health is offered by the University’s Department of Public Health, Clinical and Health Sciences.

Montreat College

Montreat college is situated in Montreat, North Carolina. It’s a Christian college and offers bachelor’s, master’s degrees both online and on campus. The college offers the most affordable MPH online courses. The cost is $540 per credit hour plus a $150 student fee per semester. To complete an Online MPH, you need 42 credit hours, so the cost is around $22,830.

Fort Hays State University

Fort Hays is a public university located in Kansas, USA. The university offers over 200 affordable degree programs, and MPH is one of them. Its online master degree in public health program costs around $25,699 for all the students. The course is offered at the Department of Health Sciences, and you need to attend about 42 credit hours to congratulate.

If you are working and want to study online, MPH programs can come in handy. It means you will have more time to do other things, as you don’t have to be present in class physically. So, if you are planning to study one of the programs under this major, you now know how much it costs. You can go ahead and pick the college that suits your needs and is pocket-friendly.

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